Jul 12, 2011

Danger Danger!!

I love my husband but... (you know it's going to be good when I start it like this)... the man CAN'T drive!!! He is absolutely the most terrible driver I have ever met. I dread driving with him! It's like I'm taking a chance every time I get in the passenger seat. Maybe I should start a will and update it every time I get in the car.

He's a very passive driver. Not defensive at all!! Not only that but he drives like an old man. He'll stare out into space and not pay attention to the fact that he's going 15 under the speed limit. It drives me insane!! Come on, I have places to go and I want to get there timely! Sheesh! And then gets upset when I ask him to speed up! Even when I say please (in his defense that's not very often and it's never really serious)!! Not only that but he drives a standard. I'm not dissing the standard cars, I wish I was better at driving them. But they aren't the best at stopping and going.

Now, I get severely carsick. I mean severely! I can get sick just sitting in the front seat. Needless to say, I usually driver everywhere we go. Which is fine because I love driving. But every once in awhile I make the fatal mistake of letting him (yes, letting him) drive. Whenever we get where we are going I want to kiss the ground. I didn't know you could be a terrible driver without driving fast. He's a terrible driver who drives slow! How does that even happen?! I'm aware that there is such a thing as a cautious driver, but come on! This is taking it to the extreme! Speed up and get a little aggressive. Not so much to ask out of the man!

This will be the first post that I don't let Stewart read. You can probably guess why. This will get me in a lot of trouble, but the world needs to know that if you see him coming get the heck out of the way! Either that, or just wave when you pass him. 

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. There have been times that I have literally nudged Mr. Felkel's vehicle with my own in an effort to speed him up... or maybe I just did that to piss him off. I forget.
