Apr 25, 2014

Year of the 5ks!!

A couple of months ago, I hurt my back. I had to hang my weightlifting shoes up and take some time of from crossfit. It was a brutal blow. I love crossfit and it has given me so much confidence in life. I started to gain some weight and I started to feel depressed about how I looked and how negative my attitude had become.

Sooooooo I decided to do the craziest thing I could think of (and that my doctor would allow) and I downloaded Couch to 5k. First of all, I HATE running. It's awful, boring, and pointless. Second, everyone knows that running is great cardio but it doesn't do a whole lot else for you. But I needed to get off my butt and stay in shape. I signed up for a 5k in Orange Beach with my mom that was 2 months away from my start date on Couch to 5k. My goal.... to run the whole thing.

Training was AWFUL!! It was terrible. I had my husband join me for the first couple of weeks, and that helped tremendously. But then he got sick. I had to run by myself for sveral weeks. Luckily for us both (I was very cranky about running by myself) I was able to take my mom's dog with me and we were able to make do. And then even my mom joined me!! Hooray!!!

This year I have ran 2 5ks so far. And I have another 2 coming up. It turns out that I'M A RUNNER!! I still hate it but I can finally run and I am super proud of this accomplishment for me!
This was the color for cure run in Ruston. Poor Stewart had been sick but he still woke up and went out there with me. He was a huge support and I am super grateful for him pushing me.!

This is the part of the race that I was screaming at Stewart "we have to run across the finish line"!! His response was "I'll think about it". He was not as into it as I was. But we still finished! We had to run/walk most of it but I was super proud of him for finshing! It was his first 5k ever! Go Stewart!!!
The day that I had been working my butt off had arrived. It was the color run in Orange Beach. My mom told me before it started that it didn't matter if I had to walk all that mattered was that I was there trying my best.
Here we are at the finish. Posing in all our wonderful color. It was a lot of fun. This was the second color run that we had run together. It will definetly not be our last together!!

Well I know that you're all waiting to here if I accomplished my goal and...... I DID!!!!! I ran the whole 5k without stopping!! I was so proud and excited!! Running may not be my favorite thing but by gosh I know that I can do it!! 
Thanks to all my cheerleaders out there. I could not have done it without all the support and love that you guys have given me!
 Next up........ Warrior Dash!!

Mar 15, 2014

1000 Days

*Warning: This blog is going to be lovey dovey. I know y'all aren't too use to that around here.* 

When waiting to get married I kept a countdown app on my phone. I looked at it probably everyday. After we got married I noticed that it kept count of all the days moving forward. I looked at it about a week ago and noticed that Stewart and I will be have been a 1000 days soon. I don't know why but I think that's the coolest thing! 1000 days of being married to my best friend, my partner in crime, but most of all 1000 days of being married to my soul mate. 

Stewart has been such a constant to me for these last 1000 days. He's been my rock, my shield, and my protector. But more importantly he's my safe place. The place I go to when I'm scared, angry, happy, and sad. The place that is home. 

We've had our ups and downs these last 1000 days (oh have we!), but I wouldn't trade, give up, or erase any of it. I miss him the moment he kisses me goodbye for the day and I count the hours down till I can see him again. 

I think this picture captures us perfectly. Anytime he's around I can't stop looking at him, I can't stop touching him, and I can't stop smiling at him. I love you Stewart! Always. To the next 1000 days! Forever thine. Forever mine. Forever ours.

Mar 6, 2014

Back Where I Come From

So this isn't really a marriage post but it kinda involves Stewart. So I'm originally from the small town of Farmerville. I spent my childhood outside by the lake and on my grandparent's farm. This is going to surprise a lot of y'all but I'm a country, 4 wheel riding, chicken killing, cow feeding girl. Please pick your jaws off the ground. Most peple don't know this about me, but not because I'm not proud of where I came from but I just never really felt the need to tell everyone. When I start to really drink you can hear that Farmerville drawl come out. My speech gets real slow and country. Especially when I talk to my husband. Steeeeeeewwwwaaaaart. He laughs so hard and just tells me the country is coming out.

So this past weekend I took my husband to my grandparent's farm. It's about 400 acres of land that has cows, chicken houses, and a whole lot of places to get in trouble. We took his new gun that I got him for Valentine's Day and went skeet shooting. I'm sad to say that I think I surprised my husband the whole entire day. He never knew that I knew how to drive a 4 wheeler. He never knew that I went skeet shooting before. And he sure as heck didn't know that I had been out and about on this big farm by myself and could carry myself fairly well.

     There's my hottie!

Yeah I can be sassy while holding a gun.

He got a very nice gun. He was super proud of it. I am excited for him.
Needless to say we had a great day. But at the same time it kind of made me realize how little I go back to my roots. When I was 16 years old my aunt gave me a birthday card with a bunch of life's lessons, that I still have, and the last one said "never forget where you come from". I hate to admit it but I had started to forget where I came from. Well this past weekend was a great way to getting back at it. Careful y'all I'll be looking for a gun of my own soon.
P.S. Yes, I outshot my husband and really put him to shame. I am an excellent shot. He was embarrassed, which he should have been. 

Feb 28, 2014

He Drives Me CRAZY!

I know I said I would post about all the other holidays that I haven't blogged about but something happened and I just have to put it out to the blogging world. Laundry is something that can really make or break Stewart and I. He tends to come at me with this phrase a lot "I'm out of underwear", to which I tell him "you have arms and you can read". Now don't get me wrong, I usually wash all his clothes but it's on days like this that I want to punch him in the face.

So here in Louisiana we have ice days that cause the whole state to shut down. And that's what happened. Stewart and I were both off work for a couple of days. And I was sick during this time (yay for not having to use sick time!). So my loving husband did the laundry and picked up the house. And I was forever greatful. It was such a small gift but it helped me so much. Fast forward to last weekend when I am doing laundry. I asked Stewart to bring me all the clothes from his bathroom (remember we have seperate bathrooms because I don't like him pooping in mine), and drop them in front of the laundry room for me to sort. I washed several loads and was feeling good with the fact that I was caught up on laundry. Well this week I was trying to figure out what to wear and I see hanging in my closet is a black zippered hoodie. Score! It's a little chilly outside, but no need for something heavy. I take it down and put it on, go to the mirror and what do I find? WHITE streaks running down it. Apparently, my sweet and loving husband just saw that it was on the floor and figured "Hey I'll just hang this up without checking to see if it's clean". The white marks are NOT hard to misss!! Men!! Only a man would pick something off the floor and then decide it must be clean and immediately hangs it up.

I know it's a small story but it drives me crazy!! Take the 2 seconds to check and make sure it's clean. When I go to get his laundry from his bathroom if it's on the floor it's a safe bet it's dirty. Or he's put something clean on top of something sweaty and dirty. And if that's the case he will try to wear it. He just doesn't understand that the sweat absorbs into other clothes. Typical man....

Feb 6, 2014

6 Months... My bad guys....

So it's been about 6 months and I'm sorry. So I'm going to take the month of February to get you guys up to date on whats going on. First things first! We celebrated my precious husband's 32nd birthday in Dallas!!! It was amazing and we had a blast. We took a long weekend and spent Friday and Saturday night. But the best part was seeing my favorite comedian DANE COOK!!! Yes, my amazing let us go see my favorite comedian for his birthday. Thanks sweetie!!!

Friday night we had a great dinner at a restaurant that for the life of me I can't remember the name. But we had some awesome wine and some even more awesome steaks!!

After dinner, we went to this amazing place called the Flying Saucer. It was fantastic!! We had a complete blast here. We just listened to music and drank beer. Probably one of the most fun places we have been .

Give me a minute to get my jaw off the ground, my husband is sooo freakin HOTT!!! ; )

Saturday, we went shopping all day at the galleria. I spent most of my time in Sephora, and probably spent waaaaay too much money. Stewart found a store called the Art of Shaving that we got most of his birthday gifts in. He got a short handled, safety razor, and some shaving cream, pre shaving lotion, and after shave. The smell is called sandalwood and it smells amazing! One of my favorite scents on him. And that night we went to DANE COOK!!!! 

Thank you for letting me have soooo much fun for your birthday!! The theater was gorgeous, and was smaller so it had a much more intimate feel to it. I'm not going to lie though, I really wanted to stay behind and stalk Dane. Stewart said no, but if I could have snuck away I would have. Anything for Dane.... 

As you can see I was super excited!

Overall, I have to say this vacation is on the top 5 for us. It was fun and we were just able to get away and enjoy ourselves. A much needed vacay. And crossing off things on MY bucket list!!! Haha! Thanks Stew, I love you!!

Stay tuned for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years.