Jun 30, 2011

To Take His Name... Or Not

So we're married. It's time to decide the name. Yes, I have been debating the name change. I mean is it really necessary?? I've grown quite fond of my name and people can even pronounce/spell it correctly. I even like my middle name. Rayne. It's unique and fun and goes with Hannah very well. I even think my initials go together smoothly. HRD. You can say it 5 times super fast and never get your tongue twisted. It's perfect!! (I know you just said my initials 5 times, it's ok). 

So what should I do? Take his name or keep mine the same. Let's talk about it. I tried to convince him to take my name, but that didn't go very well. As a matter of fact he just walked away and refused to discuss it. I mean how rude is that. At least consider it! If I take his name no one will ever be able to pronounce it. No one knows how to spell it. This just seems like a lot of trouble to go through for the rest of my life. Is it really worth it? Now, for all of Stewart's family, I'm not dissing the last name. You all know what a challenge it is. Can you guys really blame me for having some doubts?! 

If I leave it as is, it would probably hurt Stewart's feelings a little bit. (I guess I'll take that into some consideration) It would most certainly cause some drama throughout the family. And it's not very traditional. I don't take that last one too seriously, because we aren't really a traditional couple. We didn't even do a unity candle at the ceremony. Thank goodness. If I leave it the way it is now, which is perfect, then I won't have to change anything. All my bank stuff, school, and drivers license can all stay the same. I won't have to go through the hassle of changing anything. 

Stewart's suggestion was to change my facebook and start saying it more. Well, it's almost been 2 weeks and every time I hear Mrs. Felkel, I somewhat cringe. I don't know if it's because it makes me feel old, it's so proper, or because it's not my name! I don't even let my nephews call me "Aunt". I hate it! It's so old fashioned. It makes me want to grind my teeth. Yes, I know it shows respect, but they can show me respect in different ways. So, maybe it is just the "Mrs" part. I don't know; but I don't like it! 

So guys, what should I do. Should I go ahead and change my name and every time someone pronounces it wrong or spells it weird make Stewart buy me something. : ) Or do I stick with what's worked my whole life? It's a tough decision. On one hand I'll be showered in gifts, but on the other there won't be any hassles. To take his name, or to not take his name. That is the question.


  1. It has been a pain Gettin my stuff changed I went to dmv today and I was standin there talkin they called my name when my lisence was done and I looked around

  2. Seriously?! I'm not even sure how to respond to that. I can totally see why he walked away. And just for the record, I have never "favored" my brother in my entire life, so this is not a "he's my brother so I'm taking his side" thing. That's just completely nuts! IMO

  3. Relax sis, everything has been exaggerated for the sake of a good story. She has actually been busy all week changing documents to Hannah Dixon Felkel.

  4. I would just like to say that even if you change your name and take his... you will ALWAYS and FOREVER be Hannah Rayne Dixon to me :)

  5. You can be Hannah Felkel but I'm gonna call you Dix the rest of your life. ;)

  6. Haha... In a weird twist, I heard your voice reading this entire post inside my head. It sounds so much like the old hannah. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
