Jun 27, 2011

Big Spending

We made two major buys yesterday: groceries and a dyson vacuum cleaner.

Groceries are a necessity in life obviously. But who knew that it would be so expensive buying for 2 people. Yes, Stewart and I have bought groceries before but not when I was living here full time. I plan on cooking a lot, so we bought lots of different things for me to cook. Lots of chicken, of course, since that's my favorite thing to cook and his favorite thing to eat. Stewart also didn't have a lot of the everyday stuff. Like lunchmeat, snacks, condiments, etc. So this was a huge buy on our part. But it will be worth it. After seeing how much it costs, I will for sure be cooking as to not waste anything.

We needed a good vacuum cleaner. We have two dogs who shed a lot and then there is me. Some of you may not know this but I shed a lot. It's almost concerning how much I shed, but it's just because I have really thick hair. Bottom line, we needed a great vacuum cleaner. We had lots of gift cards to Target, so I of course researched before we went and found one that I wanted. But it was a major discussion between Stewart and I because that would be the end of the gift cards. After it was bought, I immediately regretted it. We could have used that money on so much more stuff. Like groceries, movies, dog stuff, the list is endless. But as soon as we got home I just vacuumed a small strip of our carpet and I was amazed. The hair was crazy and it was completely clean. I love it!! I was also reading the box and this is a good asthma and allergy vacuum cleaner. We also have friends that have kids and lots of nieces and nephews, and I was always worried that the dog hair would affect them. But not anymore! Wonderful buy on our part. No regrets.

Now, that I'm married I know I'm going to have to watch my spending. And just these two major items sent me into a shock. But this is the price we pay to marry young. And once again, I have no regrets. Now I'm off to cook!

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl im feeling u on grocerys Lol I been cooking every night and enjoying it. Have u watched extreme couponing those people get hundreds of dollars n grocerys for a couple.bucks I been clippin couponing so start couponing lol. Since I want start a job tell aug it will give me some way of helpin with our income. We got a really good pet vacum but I just picked it up from mom and dads so we haven't tried it out yet its the blue pet one from bed bath and beyond is that the one y'all got?
