Jun 28, 2011

Sleepless in Louisiana

First off, I must say that I have some unusual sleeping habits. I sleep with a sleep mask every night. I got in the habit when I went to visit my dad and I haven't stopped. Not only do I like a sleep mask, I only sleep with the same kind of sleep mask. So I try to stock up as much as possible. I also have to have a fan on when I sleep. I blame my mother for this because she listens to one every night and has cursed to listening to one as well. Why is it a curse you ask? Think about it, when you go out of town most hotels do not have ceiling fans. (I prefer a plug in fan beside my bed, but a ceiling fan works in desperate times) Also, it's a pain in the butt to travel with a fan. Yes, I have tried, my need for a fan at night is that severe. Saying all this, poor Stewart has grown used to these things over the years. We bought a fan for me a couple of years ago and he always kept an eye mask around. Thank goodness.

There's no polite way in saying this, but my husband snores. And not only does he snore, you can hear it throughout the house. Now that we are married, there is no catching up on sleep after a weekend stay. There are no naps at my own house Monday afternoon. There's just a very loud man snoring beside me. Now, people have told me that I will get use to it over time. Guess what, that's not going to happen, because he drowns out the noise of my fan! The one noise that I have to have!! About a year ago I tried earplugs and once again I couldn't hear the sound of the fan.

You're asking yourselves now what my solution was. I'll tell you. The man is sleeping in the guest room. Yes, that's correct I am kicking my husband out in the middle of the night to sleep somewhere else. Why does he have to sleep somewhere else? Because it's easier for him to move his alarm clock then for me to move the fan, my cell phone, etc. Excuses, I know. But I have married a man that is kind enough to move to the other bedroom.

Yes, I do feel bad about kicking him out, but I need sleep too. I do like sleeping beside him, but I am not a morning person, let alone a morning person that tossed and turned for the past 4 days. Let's just say that sleeping on the honeymoon was miserable, because there was no kicking him out. There was just me sleeping with a pillow over my head, glaring out the alarm clock hoping to goodness that it was closer to morning then it was.

Lesson kids, find out if the man you are marrying snores. Next thing to find out, is if he minds sleeping somewhere else. That is going to be key in your survival to marriage. Because let's face it if mama ain't getting sleep, she sure ain't happy.

1 comment:

  1. Jonathan snores and talks lol I can carry on a whole conversation with him in his sleep that he never remmbers the next.morning it gets funny but I know wha u mean on the snorin I slept on couch the other night cause I couldn't get him awake enough to move to couch and we don't have a extra bedroom ;(
