Jun 29, 2011

Death by Laundry

Back story on my laundry past. I like to sort all the clothing. Whites, colors, towels, things with zippers, dress clothes, and delicates. Yes it takes longer but there is no destroying of clothes. For those that don't know me I like clothes from different local boutiques, and stores like J Crew and Banana Republic. In guy terms: the clothes are somewhat thin and they need to be washed with love and care. I have lived away from home since I was 18 so I have been washing my own clothes for awhile. Meaning I have my own way of doing it, so don't mess with it.

Stewart's back story of laundry. Throw all the clothes, towels, and sheets into a large of load as possible. I kid you not. No sorting the clothes at all. No washing dress clothes on delicates. After the clothes are washed, they may or may not be folded. And if there was by chance a miracle that day and they were folded, they most likely were never put away. Piles of clean laundry would be all over the place. His favorite spot: the coffee table. The few times I made the mistake of letting him wash laundry without my supervision my clothes would come back a size smaller, have holes in them (from the zippers of his slacks), or the socks not matching at all. I can't begin to tell everyone how many shirts I have thrown away from holes being in them. Ugh. Very frustrating.

So it was our first laundry day as a married couple. Why you ask has it taken us so long, well I knew it was going to be a huge job, so I waited till the husband had a day off. (Like I would do it by myself) Luckily we have learned the best system for us is for me to sort, wash, and make sure the clothes get in the dryer. He is responsible for folding and putting things away. Problem with this is that these two responsibilities are not his strong suits. What else can I do?! Take the chance of him ruining more of our clothes?? I think not! Another problem, he hates with a passion, matching socks. It's like pulling teeth to get him to take his time and match all of them. 

Now these blogs are not meant to put down my husband. The complete opposite in fact. I am telling the world how he is improving by following my lead. What better way to learn? I'm not saying that I'm better then him. I'm just saying I'm better at laundry. (And probably a lot more things).

P.S. I got him some nose strips for the snoring. Last night, he was not kicked out of the bedroom. Improvement! 


  1. Hannah!! I just freaking love you, your husband, and your blog! I love reading your posts. They make me laugh...and also make me realize how not ready I am for marriage.
    I love you!
    ps - I see nothing wrong with Stewart's method of doing laundry. That's how I do it. Only I do separate my dress clothes, but other than that, everything gets thrown into the washer, dryer, and I will have baskets of clothes that need to be folded for days.

  2. so those strips really work? i also so this thing called a snore extingusher i thought about tryin its something he sprays in his noes lol....
