Sep 27, 2011

Homework, and Cooking, and School Oh My!!

I know it's been awhile guys and I will try and do my best to keep everyone updated better. Good news though, we have hit the 3 month mark and we haven't killed each other or filed for divorce. Success!! I'm not going to lie though, these past few months have been a challenge. I always laughed at people when they said marriage is hard and you constantly need to try. Well, they were right! This has been a huge adjustment for Stewart and I. We have both lived on our own for awhile (especially him, being old and all) and we were set in our own ways. I thought after dating for 4 years, that I knew just about everything. Wrong! I thought after the first month of marriage I found out everything. Wrong! We are over 3 months into the marriage and I'm still finding out weird things about my husband. For example, when he gets dressed for work he puts his pants on, zips, buttons, and buckles the belt all before putting his shirt on. He then proceeds to unbuckle, unbutton, and unzip to tuck his shirt in. Who does that?! That's a lot of extra effort!!! Just put the pants on leave them unbuttoned and put your shirt on! I could probably save him 5 minutes every morning if he would just listen to me! But of course he doesn't. So instead, he wastes those precious minutes every morning. Each day holds an interesting moment when we look at each other and think "I never knew that about him/her, I wonder how I could change it". At least that's what I think.

I'm also struggling to keep up with household chores, do homework, try not to skip class, and have dinner ready. You would think it wouldn't be so hard, but it is. I put in a lot of time in school (cause I'm still trying to graduate) and by the time I get home, I do not want to cook dinner. Cooking dinner is a waste of time and energy that could be used somewhere else. Like sitting on the couch and watching TV. Yes, sometimes I don't cook because I don't have the energy and I just want to sit down. Don't judge me! I don't know how people do it and have kids and everything else. I can barely handle school and being a wife! I am getting better, but I do feel bad when my husband comes up to me, looks in the kitchen, and says "I guess we are eating out again". And other days when he says this, I want to slap him upside the head. I do have to admit that he's pretty amazing and helps me as much as his small male brain will allow him to do. He folds the laundry and puts it away. He takes the trash out (sometimes). He washes the dishes I cook (over several days). And he helps with the dogs (everyday). But mainly he's super supportive and has become very patient when I say "let's eat out" or "you may or may not have clothes to wear tomorrow". And generally, my "may or may not" is for sure may not.

I have had to grow up a lot this last couple of months. I have had to back down on several fights, because I was wrong (but really I wasn't). I have had to cry to get all my frustrations out. I have had to call my mom for advice. I have had to admit that I'm married to the most stubborn man on earth. But every night I go to bed beside him and think how lucky I am to have married him. I am so thankful for the multiple "I love you"s that I get. He is my better half and he's my best friend. More then anything he's driving my crazy. But I do love him.


  1. There were several points in this blog where i just had to crack up!
