Jan 16, 2013

I'm Baaaaaack!!!

So I took a bit of a hiatus. Ok, it was a long break from blogging. I'm not even going to apologize because I know that it won't be enough. But the last 7 months have been full of ups and downs and I'm going to share everything with you. So my next several posts will be catching you up from June to now. I know that I have a lot of making up to, but I promise I will be taking this serious (ok, semi serious). I know I don't deserve it, but I must ask a favor of you all. Stay on my ass. Let me know when you want more blogs, or better yet remind me when I start doing a crappy job again. This will help a lot.

This blog is going to cover one event. Stewart and I made it to the one year mark!! I can't even believe it. We survived. One year together and no lawyers were called in. No news reports with the headlines "Wife Kills Husband in First Year of Marriage"! It was a tough year. I not only was finishing school, for 8 months I didn't have a job, I was student teaching and coaching, and then I was thrust out into the working world. So many things happened.

But what I want to talk to you guys about was the day of our anniversary. We were both working on our one year and we were also broke as hell due to the fact that we were planning a vacation to the beach. So we had a very low key night planned. I asked the hubs what he would like to do and he asked for a night in. Thank god!! Sorry, I just was not in the mood to get dressed up after a hard day at work. Had it been a Friday night, I might have considered doing something else. I decided to cook for him. I asked him what he would like and he requested my pot roast. Hallelujah! A crock pot meal, even better!! This is doable!

So we woke up on our anniversary like it was any other day. But as the day wore on something weird happened. I started to become extremely nervous about dinner and about seeing the husband. I don't know why it happened and to this day it still confuses the heck out of me. But I raced home to check on the roast and what do I find at 5:00?? That damn roast isn't done!! How could this be happening? I have made this meal for him countless times and somehow I am messing this up! I noticed that the dining room table is a mess so I rush to clean it off and make it more presentable. I find candles and a pretty table cloth to make it more romantic. By this point, I'm pacing. The rolls weren't turning out well and the roast is still not done. I am so freaking nervous!! What if he doesn't like it, what if I didn't do enough, what if I should have made something else. I mean I am freaking out!! After another hour the roast is done. I was so panicked that it wouldn't get done, I forgot to season the dang thing. Needless to say this isn't how I wanted the night to go. I set the table, I pour a bottle of wine, and light the candles. My husband walks in the door completely surprised, and I start getting even more nervous. I was so nervous I could barely eat. He finishes his roast and move on to our wedding cake, which was delicious! It made the whole night even better. In the end, the night was a huge success and it was perfect. But it made me think, after a year of marriage I still cared what he thought. I still wanted to impress him and I still wanted to prove my love to him. I know I don't get sappy a whole lot, but I love that man to pieces and I wanted to give him an anniversary he deserved. He has been there with me through some of the hardest times and this was a chance to show my love to him. He loved it!! So here are a couple of pictures from the dinner. There are none of me because I looked like hell. And that's putting it kindly.

Simple I know, but it was the best I could do.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed. I know it was a little sappy, but fear not this sassy little wife has many more stories to tell. In the meantime, I need a little help. Due to the fact I'm no longer a true newlywed I will be changing the name of this blog. If you have any idea let me know! I'm open to anything.


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