Feb 3, 2013

Holy $#I+!! A Mortgage!!!

For the first year that Stewart and I were married, we were renting a fully furnished house. This was our home and we liked living there. Well a day came that renting that house was no longer an option so Stewart and I had to figure out what we wanted to do. Rent or Own? It was a huge debate in lives. I really wanted to rent some more and keep saving for a house. My husband wanted to own his own home. Something about his manly pride kept pushing him into the whole buy a house idea. So I agreed to start searching for a house to buy.

Stewart and I have completely different tastes in home. I mean completely! I wanted a new house that I was move in ready. Stewart wanted an older house that he would "fix up". Yeah, that's fine and all if he would actually fix the damn thing up. I know my husband, and he's had some of the same "projects" for over a year! Just sitting on a shelf. There was no way in hell that I was going to live in a house that needs fixing, when the hubs won't even fix it! Yeah call me a princess, I don't care! So a search for a new, move in ready home had begun.

I found "the house". It was perfect! It was gorgeous and in the perfect location (for me, not Stewart). It was a 3 bedroom, 2 bath house, in a new neighborhood. It was everything that I wanted in a house. Before we go any further, I have to be honest with you guys. I knew Stewart wasn't going to like the house, so the real estate agent and I went behind his back. Ridiculous, I know, but he should have been more open minded! This house that I loved so much was in town that Stewart just did not want to live in. So, I called Stewart and told him that I found our house and he was super excited, until he asked where it was located. I told him and he immediately said no. Wouldn't even give it a try. So after several days of fighting and withholding of certain activities, my husband caved and agreed to look at the house. And guess what?! He loved it!! So, two months later and a whole lot of nail biting, we were officially homeowners.

But it doesn't stop there. We just bought a house, an empty house, an empty house that needs furniture. Oh shit, we've been renting a fully furnished house!! Yes, we bought a house and had one chest of drawers, a desk, and one night stand. Slowly we've been adding some furniture to our new home. The first month all we had was a bed. And then slowly thanks to a lot of help from friends and family, we have a house full of furniture. I know a whole lot of people would post a ton of pictures of their new home, but I find those people highly annoying. Instead, I'm going to post two pictures that show how we survived without any furniture.

Yes, we are sitting in outside chairs and eating on the one nightstand and a box of my shoes. This was our first meal in the new house.

We decided to celebrate that we got a rug in the living room by eating in the living room for the first time. We moved up to actual inside chairs and a tiny table!

So here are some main things to take away from this story: Don't let your loved one buy a house that needs fixing, if they don't plan on fixing anything. Withholding sex can get you a whole hell of a lot. And last, don't buy a house if you have no furniture!! It's stupid and crazy!! Trust me, I know!

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