Jun 5, 2012

Mrs. Band Teacher

As you all have read, I am married to a band teacher. My husband is a pretty amazing man. His love has and will always be band. I have come to love this about him even more, but it tends to be very annoying. I support my husband 100% in his job. So today's blog is about the pros and cons of being Mrs. Band Teacher. And yes, I have been called this more then once. I do have a name people!

Pro: As a football fan, I love getting to watch football games every friday. And most of all I love getting into the games for FREE!!
Con: I literally go to every football game, every Friday. Do you guys know how hard it is to have a nice date night when your husband constantly has to be at football games?! It's hard!! Some Fridays I don't want to give my husband up, I want to keep him and make him buy me dinner!

Pro: I'm always guaranteed to have Tuesday and Thursday nights to myself, and to have girl time. I use this time to catch up on my shows and to go get a mani/pedi.
Con: These are the nights Stewart has practice. Meaning we won't eat dinner till 8 or 9. By this point neither of us want to cook and so most of the time we eat cereal. Now you're probably wondering why I don't make dinner and have it waiting for him. Well, sometimes I do and sometimes I just don't want to have to make dinner that late. And I'm not always sure when he will get home. Judge all you want, but you would feel the same way EVERY Tuesday and Thursday.

Pro: My husband's mind is usually preoccupied during marching season, so I can get away with a lot. Such as, when I tell him he "promised to take me to dinner", but really he didn't. Bad of me I know, but sometimes a girl has to do what a girl has to do to get a nice date night. (P.S. Stewart I know you're reading this. I love you!)
Con: My husband is preoccupied!!! Meaning he isn't listening and I'm going to have to repeat myself a lot. Most of the time that doesn't bother me but sometimes it just gets under my skin.

Pro: The end of the year band trips are awesome!!! This year we went to six flags with the kids and I was a "chaperone". But hey, it was a free trip to six flags!
Con: I had to chaperone like 30 kids and they were crazy! It's hard to have fun when you are constantly on edge about where the heck the kids are and if someone has taken them. Luckily, no one was taken and I was able to have some fun. I'm not sure you would classify me as a good chaperone, but none of my kids got into trouble so I call that a success!

Pro: I love to bake for people so I am constantly volunteering to bake for the band. I like to bake brownies, cakes, cupcakes, etc. And the kids really seem to love them, so I guess that means I'm pretty good at it.
Con: Ugh!! I'm gaining so much weight from the constant eating of sweets! I know what you are thinking, "just have discipline Hannah". Well guess what, I don't know what that is, so I'm just going to blame this on Stewart's job.

That's all I have for right now about this subject, but trust me as soon as marching season is back, you guys will have another update for sure. But in all seriousness, I love my husband and that means loving his job no matter what. So I love being Mrs. Band Teacher-sometimes!

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