May 31, 2012

I'm A Bad Blogger

Friends, family members, and internet world I apologize for my lack of writing these last several months. Between school, student teaching, and finding a job I slacked off from updating. I am so sorry. But that is going to change I promise! Be patient with me and I promise you won't regret it.

So here we are less than a month away from our 1 year anniversary. The time has flown by. We have been through many ups and downs these past several months, and I will later talk about them. But for now I am going to update you on our lives from the past several months. Here are some pictures for you guys to look at so you can see what we have been up to. And mainly, to prove that I haven't killed my husband.

We went skiing for Christmas. We had an amazing time!! Stewart was playing with real snow for the first time. It was a lot of fun to watch. What was even more fun was watching him try to learn and ski. I asked him if he wanted me to go to ski school with him and he said not no, but hell no. Haha. So that was a fun adventure that we were able to share together and to share with my family.

Here is a picture of us at Easter. Please ignore the fridge that has a keg built into it behind us. That's just how my family rolls and it makes every holiday an even better one. : )

So here's the story behind this tent. This is the second tent that we purchased. The first one, that my husband just had to have (it was not the one I wanted), turned out to have a broken pole with it. The one I wanted (shown above) turned out to be perfect. It was fun having it in the house for oh, 2 weeks. Now you're probably wondering why in the world we needed a tent. And you're looking ahead to see if there are any camping pictures. Yeah, there's not any. We didn't go camping and we didn't plan to go camping. He just had to have a tent. And I was that amazing of a wife to let him get one. : )

And now my greatest achievement. I graduated from college!!!!!! It only took my 4 1/2 years but I did it. It took a ton of hard work and it was even harder being married. But it was so worth it!! I have a great husband who was super patient with me as I worked on school and completely let the house fall apart. He was my rock through all of this.

And now to close this up. I am now employed. I have an amazing job and it has helped out so much financially, but it has also made me feel important and that I'm able to help my husband. He still has 3 jobs and we hope to one day not have so many. Please forgive me for the lack of blogs. I have a long list of things I plan on writing about. Trust me, you're not going to want to miss it. Keep on the look out to the second edition of Sleepless in Louisiana.